We Teach Wisdom
E1 (Each 1) + T1 (Teach 1)= Consciousness expansion (broader awareness of quantum reality)

Know Thy Self
The Movement
When humanity acquires knowledge of self, by mastering his physical body and the subtle spiritual body known as the Etheric body then we will evolve from a Cocoon to a Butterfly that will experience the Multiverse of different realities of existence. Before we can attain this total state of awareness, we must first Know Thy Self!
The Lifestyle
The Spiritual growth and development of humanity is the primary subject matter to welcome in the coming golden age of MAN. Our collective refers to MAN as being a Master At Nature by mastering his self and being in tune with the forces of nature.

Cyber Shooters
The Future
The STEAM field is the way of the future and teaching all members of society the foundational principles of how to use emerging and informational technology optimally and securely is the mission of Cyber Shooters.
God's Gift
M.A.N. = Master At Nature
In the coming Golden Age man will be an Extra Terra Astral Being, meaning a being with Extra sensory perception that lives in the physical form on Terra, also known as Earth, and will be in total awareness of the Astral dimensions of the Multiverse. In this state of being as an Extra Terra Astral Celestial we will be in the perpetual state of Oneness with The Most High known as GOD.